magazine in situ, Buenos Aires, fevereiro 2007

7 de February de 2007

30 de October de 2007

Buenos Aires

The Paradigm Confines Tour


Impertinent Cartographies
live conversations

Miren Jaio (Bilbao)
Fantasenado con los confines del mundo sin salir de casa

Jaime Iregui(Bogotá)
Videoguia de la Bienal (video 4´)

Carla Zaccagnini (São Pablo)
Los Confines del Paradigma o el Paradigma de los Confines

Bill Burns (Toronto)
Bird Songs, Safety Gear, and International Art Biennales

Francisco Ali- Brouchoud (Posadas)
Gran Hotel Abismo

The work dynamics will consist of a set of questions: How do we relate with these narratives in the perspective of these new cultural long-range events?, Is the biennial event (the first biennial was done in 1895) accordingly placed in the present times?, A new Biennial: what for and why? What kind of deconstructive and postcolonial readings can be made?
Which is the role and purpose of these cultural and artistic productions in these type of events?, What kind of contribution can projects as MIS put forward?, Can they be effective as an institutional critical practice operating with the same art mechanisms?. The navigation through the geographic-semantic sides of the biennial is to navigate through the edges of its staging, touching its borders and structures (political-territorial-economical-touristy-patrimonial). However it cannot be denied that this same distance allows to introduce art among other discourses and to examine contradictions. And to ask ourselves: what would allow a critical dialogue between the practices both artistic and theoretical that approach critical practice today? , Is the way of approaching the institutional criticism from the perspective of artistic and/or theoretical practice sufficient? , And what kind of effectiveness does it provide?, Which criteria, which paradigm analysis should be the support when these critical practices turn into “study object”? , Is art the most advanced research field that exists nowadays? (as Ricardo Basbaum says).

edition 6 by Alicia Herrero

Banda Sonora (Soundtrack)-(Musical repertoire on the drift ) – Raquel Garbelotti, Wagner Morales y Carla Zaccagnini (São Paulo)

Links process

Transnational Republic (the audience could have their transnationality on travel) (Munich – Berlín)
New Projects , on NBP de Ricardo Basbaum – (in colaboration with
Documenta 12, 20 new objects are in cinculation by 20 cities, one of their will sail these seas. (Río de Janeiro)
Traveling Magazine Table (traveler non profit publication archive ) Bik van der Pol (Rotterdam)
Cultural Confinement by Robert Smithson (New York)
Geografismos, Desconquistas y Redescubrimientos by Joaquín Barriendos (Barcelona)
Ensueño y vulnerabilidad (meeting Magazine Project Documenta 12) by Jaime Iregui (Bogotá)
La triple frontera by Francisco Ali-Brouchoud (Posadas)
Historia de un desengaño, interview to Francis Alÿs (Mexico)
Geopolítica del chuleo by Suely Rolnik (São Pablo)

Impertinent Cartographies
live conversations

Miren Jaio (Bilbao)
Jaime Iregui(Bogotá)
Carla Zaccagnini (São Pablo)
Bill Burns (Toronto)
Francisco Ali- Brouchoud (Posadas)



THE PARADIGM CONFINES TOUR is a live edition while sailing during 3 hour the same circuit Charles Darwin sailed in 1831 on the brigantine HMS Beagle expedition in which he accomplished his famous Evolution Theory.

Duration: 3 hour
Boat: Barracuda
Exit: saterday 31 March, 2 am Puerto de Ushuaia -Patagonia – Argentina


Canal de Beagle
Boundery Chile/Argentina, cross Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, 300 milles from Europe (Falkland Islands – United Kingdom).

Ushuaia – Patagonia – Argentina –
Latitud/Longitud 54°48’S 68°18’W

Bienal del Fin del Mundo (The End of the World)

11 de April de 2007

Barracuda boat

11 de April de 2007


21 de March de 2007


21 de March de 2007


21 de March de 2007